Random Star Wars Name Generator

Create Epic Monikers Inspired by a Galaxy Far, Far Away!


4.7 / 5. 6
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  1. 🎲 How to Use the Tool?
  2. πŸŽ₯ What is Star Wars?
  3. πŸ’‘ Star War Names
  4. πŸ”— References

Star Wars is one of the most popular science fiction movies selling the idea that humans aren’t the only living creatures in the universe. The movie features many human and non-human characters depicting different dimensions. But how do you generate names for this movie to show your gaming passion?

We have a timely answer in the form of our Star Wars name generator. This random Star Wars name generator is an easy-to-use online tool you can utilize. It will generate all the names you need at the click of a button. Go on and try it today to create fascinating names in the Star Wars style.

🎲 How to Use this Star War Name Generator

Using our Star Wars name generator to find countless names for your next gaming adventure is breezy. You only need to key in your desired variants and press the button to allow the system to produce the names for your gaming fantasy.

πŸŽ₯ What is Star Wars?

Star Wars is an American science fiction media created by George Lucas. The series follows fictitious adventures in a β€œdistant galaxy” where characters struggle to end an evil empire’s reign and establish peace.

The popular series has a large fan base and following worldwide.

The story includes three trilogies comprising nine films collectively called the Skywalker Saga:

  1. The original trilogy of 1977-1983 depicts Luke Skywalker’s heroism.
  1. The second, or Prequel trilogy of 1999-2005, comprises epic space-opera films George Lucas wrote and directed.
  1. The last sequel of 2015-2019 has episodes VII through IX, which chronologically follow the prequel trilogy.

πŸ’‘ Star War Names

Star Wars has many popular character names like Chiss, Sith, Jedi, Donjon, Togruta, Bounty Hunter, Zabrak, and Twi’lek.

But how did Lucas formulate them? What inspired him to name his characters?

The interview excerpt from the New York Times tells everything:Β Β 

β€œBasically, I developed the names for the characters phonetically,” Mr. Lucas said. β€œI obviously wanted to telegraph a bit of the character in the name. The names needed to sound unusual but not spacey. I wanted to stay away from the kind of science fiction names like Zenon and Zorba. They had to sound indigenous and have consistency between their names and their culture.”

The quote tells everything. For instance, Lucas dug into Dutch roots to create the name for Darth Vader. Anakin is another example with reference to a Biblical giantβ€”the Anakim. This character represents Loki, the Norse demon god of fire and mischief.

Here are a couple more Star Wars character names with a brief explanation of their origin.

JediJedi is the name of the ancient knighthood.
Obi-Wan KenobiKenobi is a Jedi knight who introduces Luke to the power of the so-called Force. This name is derived from a Japanese word for a sash that ties a kimono.
Princess LeiaThis female heroine is patterned after Princess Dejah Thoris from John Carter of Mars.
The ForceThis dualistic character is a mythical power with two sides (dark and light) constantly at war. Lucas borrows his β€œForce” idea from a Canadian filmmaker, Roman Kroitor, who believed all living creatures are mystically connected to nature.

πŸ”— References

  1. Star Wars Movies In Order: How to Watch the Saga
  1. All 12 Star Wars movies, ranked from worst to best
  1. The 56 best Star Wars characters
  1. 25 Best Star Wars Characters of All Time, Ranked
  1. The 30 Most Powerful Star Wars Characters Ever, Ranked

❓ Star Wars Name Generator FAQ

How to make a Star Wars name?

You can make Star Wars character names using our free online tool. You only key in what you need into our tool and press a button for it to generate the names for your next gaming adventure.

What was the emperor’s name in Star Wars?

Emperor Palpatine is the emperor in the Star Wars series. He is the real villain in the fictitious saga. The evil ruler plans the events that humiliate Senator from Naboo to become the known universe’s first Supreme Chancellor. His position makes him almost untouchable. This ruler also instigates the Clone Wars and whittles away the Jedi before the hammer blow of Order 66 and the final cull.

What are the names of the Star Wars characters?

Star Wars has many characters. Here are some of the most popular ones: Emperor Palpatine, Rey, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kylo Ren, Yoda, Boba Fett, BB-8, Chewbacca.